Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy is a unique and empowering approach to psychotherapy that focuses on the power of personal storytelling. At its core, this approach recognizes that the stories we tell about ourselves and our experiences have a profound impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  

By collaborating with a therapist, individuals in narrative therapy are encouraged to explore, challenge, and reframe the dominant narratives that have shaped their lives. This process allows them to separate themselves from their problems, gain a fresh perspective, and discover new possibilities for growth and transformation.  Through the narrative therapy process, clients can develop a deeper understanding of their values, strengths, and resilience, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and personal empowerment. 

What Is Narrative Therapy?

Narrative therapy is a unique approach to psychotherapy that emphasizes the power of storytelling in shaping our lives and identities. Developed in the 1980s by Michael White and David Epston, this approach recognizes that the stories we tell about ourselves and our experiences have a profound impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

The core premise of narrative therapy is that by collaborating with a therapist, individuals can explore, challenge, and reframe the dominant narratives that have shaped their lives. This process allows them to separate themselves from their problems, gain a fresh perspective, and discover new possibilities for growth and transformation. 

Narrative therapists believe that people are the experts in their own lives and that they possess the skills and knowledge necessary to address their issues. By treating clients with respect, empathy, and non-judgment, narrative therapy empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing process. 

What Is a Narrator?

In narrative therapy, the narrator is the individual who is telling their story. The narrator has the power to shape their narrative and determine how they want to be understood by others. By taking on the role of narrator, clients in narrative therapy can gain a sense of agency and control over their lives. The therapist acts as a collaborator, helping the client explore different perspectives and reframe their story in a way that promotes growth and healing. 

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What Is the Goal of Narrative Therapy?

The primary goal of narrative therapy is to help individuals separate themselves from their problems and view their lives as a story that they have the power to shape. By externalizing issues and exploring alternative narratives, narrative therapy empowers clients to rely on their own skills and expertise to minimize problems and create more positive, meaningful stories. 

Narrative therapists assist clients in identifying times when the problem story was not entirely accurate or when there were exceptions to the problem. This process allows clients to question assumptions about themselves and consider alternative storylines that are more helpful and empowering. The ultimate aim is to help clients gain a sense of agency and purpose in their lives by rewriting their personal narratives. 

Narrative Therapy for Families

Narrative family therapy empowers families to reframe their stories and gain a fresh perspective on their challenges. By externalizing problems and deconstructing dominant narratives, this approach allows families to separate themselves from their issues and explore alternative, more empowering storylines.  

The therapist collaborates with the family to identify unique outcomes and strengths, fostering a sense of agency and control. Techniques like remembering and audience participation further reinforce the family’s new narrative, leading to improved relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Narrative family therapy offers a transformative approach to addressing complex family dynamics. 

How Does Narrative Therapy Work?

Narrative therapy is a collaborative process between the client and therapist that empowers individuals to reframe their life stories and develop new, more empowering narratives.

Here’s how the process typically works: 

Throughout the process, the therapist maintains a non-judgmental, collaborative stance, empowering the client as the expert in their own life. 

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, our admissions team is available 24/7. They are compassionate and understanding when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction. They are here to help answer your treatment questions and get you started on the path to recovery. Deciding to seek treatment for a substance use disorder can be intimidating. We are here to make this process as easy as possible. Reach out to us today to learn more about how our treatment centers can help!

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Narrative Therapy Techniques

Narrative therapy is a unique approach that empowers individuals to reframe their life stories and develop new, more empowering narratives. By collaborating with a therapist, clients in narrative therapy explore challenges and rewrite the dominant narratives that have shaped their lives. This process allows them to separate themselves from their problems, gain a fresh perspective, and discover new possibilities for growth and transformation. 

Some key narrative therapy techniques include:  


The process of rewriting one’s life story to create a more empowering narrative that reflects one’s values and goals. This involves exploring alternative storylines and reframing past experiences. 


Viewing problems as separate from one’s identity, rather than core parts of the self. This allows the individual to gain distance from the problem and see it as something they can confront and overcome. 


Breaking down complex issues into smaller, more manageable parts. This makes problems feel less overwhelming and enables the individual to tackle specific aspects of the story. 

Identifying Outcomes

Exploring times when the problem was not present or when the individual demonstrated strength and resilience. These “unique outcomes” provide the foundation for constructing alternative narratives. 


The philosophical belief that individuals have free will and are responsible for creating their own meaning in life. Narrative therapy incorporates existentialist ideas by empowering individuals to shape their life stories and take an active role in their personal growth. 

By utilizing these techniques, narrative therapy empowers clients to rely on their own skills and expertise to minimize problems and create more positive, meaningful stories. The ultimate aim is to help individuals gain a sense of agency and purpose in their lives by rewriting their personal narratives. 

Narrative Therapy Exercises

Narrative therapy utilizes a variety of exercises and activities to help clients explore, challenge, and reframe their personal narratives. These exercises empower clients to take an active role in shaping their life stories and discovering new, more empowering ways of being. 


Journaling provides a space for clients to unpack their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a reflective manner. By writing about challenging events or exploring alternative storylines, clients can gain new insights and perspectives. 


Creative expression through art, such as drawing, painting, or sculpting, can be a powerful tool in narrative therapy. Art allows clients to externalize their inner experiences and explore their narratives in a non-verbal way. The therapist can help the client interpret the artwork and use it as a springboard for discussion and reframing. 


Guided visualization exercises can help clients imagine alternative narratives and desired futures. The therapist may lead the client through visualization of themselves as the hero of their own story, overcoming challenges and living in alignment with their values. This exercise can foster hope, agency, and a sense of possibility. 

The Tree of Life

This exercise uses the metaphor of a tree to explore different aspects of a client’s life story. The client is asked to draw a tree and label the roots (where they come from), the trunk (their skills and values), the branches (their hopes and dreams), and the leaves (what they hope to give back). This activity helps clients connect with their strengths, values, and aspirations, providing a foundation for rewriting their narrative. 

By engaging in these and other narrative therapy exercises, clients can develop a greater sense of agency, self-awareness, and empowerment in shaping their life stories. 

Self-Assessment: Am I Addicted?

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What Does Narrative Therapy Treat?

Narrative therapy is a versatile approach that can effectively treat a wide range of substance abuse and mental health disorders. By focusing on the stories individuals tell about their lives, narrative therapy empowers clients to reframe their experiences and develop more positive, empowering narratives. 

In the context of substance abuse, narrative therapy helps individuals separate themselves from their addiction and externalize the problem. By exploring unique outcomes and constructing alternative narratives, clients can gain a greater sense of agency and resilience in their recovery journey. Narrative therapy has been shown to be effective in treating addiction to substances like amphetamines, with studies demonstrating improvements in depression, anxiety, and quality of life. 

Beyond substance abuse, narrative therapy is also a valuable approach for treating various mental health disorders. By challenging negative self-narratives and fostering self-acceptance, narrative therapy can alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other issues. The collaborative, non-judgmental nature of narrative therapy creates a supportive environment for personal growth and healing. 

Narrative Therapy for Substance Abuse

Narrative therapy is an effective approach to treating substance abuse disorders. By helping individuals externalize their addiction and separate it from their identity, narrative therapy empowers them to rewrite their life stories in a more positive, empowering way. Through techniques like storytelling, unique outcome identification, and alternative narrative construction, clients gain a greater sense of agency and resilience in their recovery journey. Narrative therapy has been shown to improve depression, anxiety, and quality of life in those struggling with substance abuse. 

Narrative Therapy for Mental Health Disorders

Beyond substance abuse, narrative therapy is a valuable approach for treating various mental health disorders. By challenging negative self-narratives and fostering self-acceptance, narrative therapy can alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other issues. The collaborative, non-judgmental nature of narrative therapy creates a supportive environment for personal growth and healing. Techniques like journaling, art, and visualization help clients explore and reframe their experiences, leading to greater self-awareness and empowerment. 

Narrative Therapy for Co-Occurring Disorders

Many individuals struggling with substance abuse also face co-occurring mental health disorders. Narrative therapy offers a holistic approach to treating these complex cases. By addressing both the addiction and underlying mental health issues, narrative therapy helps clients develop a more integrated, positive life story. The process of externalizing problems, identifying unique outcomes, and constructing alternative narratives can be applied to a range of co-occurring disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and trauma. This approach empowers clients to manage their symptoms, build resilience, and create a fulfilling life in recovery. 

What Are the Benefits of Narrative Therapy?

Some key benefits of narrative therapy include: 

Overall, narrative therapy provides a collaborative, strengths-based approach that enables clients to take an active role in their personal growth and healing. 

How Effective is Narrative Therapy?

Narrative therapy has been shown to be an effective approach for treating a range of mental health issues. Studies demonstrate large effect sizes for reducing PTSD symptoms, both at post-treatment and follow-up. Narrative therapy has also been effective in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. The collaborative, empowering nature of this approach makes it a valuable tool for promoting personal growth and resilience. 

Can Narrative Therapy Help Me?

Narrative therapy can help you reframe your life story and develop more empowering narratives. By externalizing problems, deconstructing issues into manageable parts, and constructing alternative storylines that highlight your strengths and values, narrative therapy empowers you to take an active role in shaping your identity and overcoming challenges. The collaborative, non-judgmental approach creates a supportive environment for personal growth and healing. 

Tips for Successful Narrative Therapy

Here are some tips for having a successful experience with narrative therapy: 

By following these tips and working collaboratively with your therapist, you can make the most of your narrative therapy experience and create meaningful, lasting change in your life.

Is Narrative Therapy Covered by Insurance?

Narrative therapy may be covered by insurance, but the extent of coverage can vary. Some insurance providers view it as an elective therapy, while others consider it a necessary treatment for certain conditions. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to determine if narrative therapy is covered under your plan and what the requirements are for coverage. If it’s not covered, there may be affordable online therapy options available from your therapy center. Even if you aren’t positive, psychology techniques and other types of therapy are the best way to get better.  

Start Today

By prioritizing your mental health, you are investing in your future happiness and success, ensuring you have the tools needed to navigate life’s challenges. A treatment center like Aliya Health Group can provide behavioral therapy for addiction and mental health. Getting help is the best way to overcome these challenges and move on to a brighter future. Learn more about Aliya Health Group’s programs today! 

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Check to see if your insurance is in-network at one of our rehab facilities.

We accept health insurance

We accept most major health insurance providers on both a national and local level. We currently work with the following insurance plans:

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Check to see if your insurance is in-network at one of our rehab facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before entering outpatient treatment for substance abuse, most people have a long list of questions and concerns. To help you gain a better understanding of what to expect during outpatient programs, we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions.

Is smoking allowed in outpatient treatment?

Yes, our rehabilitation facilities have designated smoking areas available. However, kindly note that all cigarettes brought into the facility must be in unopened packs or cartons. The same rule applies to any cigarettes sent or brought by family or friends. Our staff will be more than happy to provide you with additional details regarding these guidelines during the admission process.

Do you offer payment plans for outpatient rehab?

Yes, in most cases, we can offer repayment options tailored to your unique circumstances. For more details regarding personal repayment options, we recommend reaching out to our admissions team. They’ll be more than happy to assist you.

What insurance providers do you accepts?

We accept all major insurance plans at our treatment locations. To learn more about insurance and treatment cost, contact our admissions team or fill out our secure insurance verification form.

Do you offer outpatient mental health treatment?

Yes, we provide integrative dual diagnostics alongside a wide array of treatment modalities. Our core objective revolves around tackling addiction, while simultaneously addressing the underlying factors that contribute to substance use disorders. Our mission is to deliver effective and holistic care that encompasses both symptom management and the exploration of root causes of addiction.

Is outpatient treatment affordable?

In terms of cost, outpatient treatment is typically more affordable than inpatient options which require round-the-clock medical supervision. This makes it a viable solution for individuals who may be deterred from seeking help due to financial constraints.

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