Radically Open DBT: How This Therapy Approach Can Help You Heal

Radically Open DBT: How This Therapy Approach Can Help You Heal
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Radically open DBT is an evidence-based psychotherapy designed to help individuals who struggle with specific mental and behavioral health challenges. Whereas dialectical behavioral therapy helps people accept and manage their emotions, RO-DBT focuses on the struggle of overcontrol. While less talked about, overcontrol is an issue that ranges from moderate to severe. In many cases, it leaves the individual feeling trapped inside themselves while struggling to open up to others and new life experiences. Let’s talk through radically open DBT to discuss who it’s for and how it can help.

What Is Radically Open DBT?

Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy (RO-DBT) is a form of dialectical behavioral therapy. Dr. Thomas R. Lynch created RO-DBT in the early 2000s based on DBT concepts. DBT itself is part of the larger picture of behavioral psychotherapy, which is a therapy that treats unhealthy patterns and destructive habits. Often, people who enter behavioral therapy have mental health disorders. As such, RO-DBT was created for people with personality disorders who also struggle with overcontrol and emotional inhibition. For example, overcontrol can look like perfectionism, which commonly shows up in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and eating disorders. As a result of emotional blocking and over-control, individuals can self-isolate and struggle with interpersonal relationships. RO-DBT is offered through behavioral therapists and mental health treatment centers, including Aliya Health Group.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Dialectical behavioral therapy was developed from behavioral therapy concepts in the 1970s by psychologist Marsha Linehan. Cognitive behavioral therapy is another popular behavioral therapy treatment which DBT stems from. CBT focuses on rationalizing negative patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and then working to improve them. Similarly, dialectical behavioral therapy has the same focuses but with an additional emphasis on emotional regulation. In fact, DBT teaches clients to accept their negative thoughts, emotions, and actions but also works to change them. This fosters a greater sense of self-worth and acceptance amidst the pain and frequent shame of mental illness.

Radically Open DBT vs DBT: What’s the Difference?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is a beneficial treatment for those with mental health disorders with symptoms of poor emotional regulation. DBT was originally created to treat borderline personality disorder, but it can also help with behavioral disorders, trauma disorders, and symptoms of self-harm. However, individuals who struggle with these issues but also have symptoms of overcontrol and emotional inhibition benefit more from RO-DBT. This is because RO-DBT was explicitly designed to help individuals overcome their controlling habits and guarded emotions.

What Is Emotional Overcontrol?

Emotional overcontrol is a behavior pattern that acts as a defense mechanism. Usually, emotional overcontrol stems from childhood experiences. People can struggle with overcontrolling their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Commonly, this develops into perfectionism, emotional inhibition, restrictive behaviors, and fear of vulnerability. Because overcontrol is a coping mechanism, people associate core beliefs with their overcontrolling tendencies. They may believe showing vulnerability makes them weak. They may doubt their ability to make choices about their life and instead resort to social isolation. There are a variety of reasons behind overcontrol. Common mental health disorders that exhibit overcontrolling tendencies are:

  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
  • Avoidant personality disorder (APD)
  • Paranoid personality disorder (PPD)
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Melancholic personality disorder (MDD)

Emotional overcontrol is a damaging coping mechanism. It can block the individual from being known by others, lead to low self-worth, and reduce their quality of life. RO-DBT addresses overcontrolling tendencies to help individuals break out of their patterns.

What Does Radically Open DBT Treat?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is an ideal treatment for a variety of mood disorders, behavioral disorders, and substance use disorders (SUD). This is because the treatment is effective at helping people with emotional and psychological distress. Understandably, individuals who are struggling with a disorder often find themselves trapped in their thoughts and feelings. The cycle can be repetitive and challenging to break free from without outside intervention. DBT is a recommended treatment for people who experience destructive emotions, including the urge to self-harm. This form of DBT is especially recommended for people who struggle with overcontrol in their disorders.

Radically Open DBT for Addiction

Many people around the world struggle with addiction. Substance use disorders (SUD) affect millions of people around the globe. Roughly 48.7 million people in the United States age 12 and older have a substance use disorder. Addictions include drugs and alcohol, but also food addiction and eating disorders. This form of DBT for substance abuse benefits people with addictive tendencies and dependence on substances. The treatment teaches coping strategies and behavioral modification to aid in the process of overcoming addiction.

Radically Open DBT for Mental Health

As discussed, RO-DBT is recommended for a variety of mental health disorders, including many personality disorders. Radically open DBT for mental health is most beneficial for those who battle inner control issues and struggle to open up emotionally.

Radically Open DBT for Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders are disorders that co-exist at the same time in a person. For example, having both alcohol use disorder (AUD) and melancholic personality disorder (MDD) is a case of dual diagnosis. In such situations, we believe it is important to treat both issues together as one larger problem. This is because disorders will always worsen each other, and treating only one issue doesn’t heal the root problems. In RO-DBT, you can learn how your co-occurring disorders are jointly affecting your mental health. You will learn tools to manage both disorders consecutively for a higher quality of life.

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What are the Core Principles of Radical Open DBT?

Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy has multiple core principles that shape its treatment approach. Knowing these main focuses of RO-DBT lets you better understand how it can help you in your mental health struggle.

Radical Openness

Radical openness is the main principle behind RO-DBT. It refers to a state of mind that determines behavior. The three features of radical openness are flexibility, social connection, and openness. To engage in radical openness is to pursue opportunities to face what you don’t know. Thus, it requires a willingness to be uncomfortable, humble, and let down your guard. Radical openness connects with RO-DBTs emphasis on mindfulness, yet radical openness is a way of life where you seek your unknown.


Self-inquiry is a mindfulness practice in RO-DBT. It leads individuals to search for themselves to find where their understanding ends and the unknown begins. This often looks like asking questions to help them find the “edge” of their knowledge. It’s easy to stay trapped in your head and circle through the same beliefs and ideas unproductively. Notably, the core basis behind self-inquiry is learning new things about yourself through skillful self-reflection.

Social Connectedness

Because individuals who overcontrol commonly struggle with emotional inhibition, their relationships are often strained. Although individuals have their reasons for why they block their emotions from others, RO-DBT teaches them to be more vulnerable. Hiding one’s true feelings also hides one’s true self, so they can’t get close to others. Thus, social connectedness refers to an intentionality to be more socially open and vulnerable.

Mindfulness Skills

As mentioned, mindfulness plays a large role in radically open DBT. Behavioral therapy focuses on teaching individuals how to productively self-reflect with the goal of learning more than their current understanding. Thus, RO-DBT uses mindfulness as a continual search to better yourself and improve your thinking habits.

What Is Radically Open DBT Like? 

Although you now understand the background and core elements of radically open DBT, it can still feel daunting to begin therapy. The more you know about RO-DBT, the more you will feel comfortable using this behavioral practice to heal. Three of the expectations around RO-DBT are to be aware of skills classes, homework, and individual therapy sessions.

Individual Therapy

Some behavioral therapies include components of individual and group therapy sessions. However, radically open dialectical behavioral therapy is largely a one-on-one therapy treatment. Thus, you will work closely with your DBT therapist to unpack the root issues you struggle with. Be prepared for them to guide you through talking exercises to help you better understand yourself and your mental health challenges. Additionally, they will guide you through the core principles of RO-DBT.

Skills Classes

Although RO-DBT is an individual therapy treatment, skills classes are a component of the DBT method at Aliya Health Group. These are opportunities for you to practice using the tools and skills you gain through RO-DBT training. Radically open DBT skills are based on the core principles of RO-DBT: radical openness, self-inquiry, social connectedness, and mindfulness. Thus, skills classes are designed to help you feel comfortable using RO-DBT skills independently whenever you feel triggered to fall into old habits. You will benefit from them for the rest of your life.


Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy can include a homework component. This means your therapist may assign you tasks or worksheets to work on before your next session. The point of therapy homework is to grow further during your time in therapy and best use your session time. For example, radically open DBT exercises can look like being more vulnerable in conversations or self-inquiring about a core belief.

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Radically Open DBT Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the main principles of RO-DBT and what to expect, let’s unpack the therapy’s techniques. Here are some of the activities you can expect to work on in your therapy sessions and skills classes.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation is a mindfulness activity that helps with the habit of overcontrolling. People with overcontrol issues tend to struggle with emotional openness. They often feel a sense of fear around being vulnerable. Further, this can stem from feeling less empathy or feelings of love towards others as a coping mechanism. Thus, a loving-kindness meditation aims to lead the person into a place of safety where they can reflect on warm feelings towards others. In this way, it trains the brain to feel differently about sharing yourself with the people in your life.

Self-Enquiry Practice

Self-inquiry is a reflective practice that helps individuals get comfortable with finding the edges of their understanding. Self-inquiry is also a state of mind where you are looking for new experiences and viewing them positively. Therefore, practicing helps you get into the right frame of mind. Additionally, this practice helps you pinpoint where you can lean in.

Social Signaling Exercises

Social signaling is the cues and signals people exhibit that communicate their feelings and intentions. For example, smiling, eye contact, and hugs are social signals. People with emotional inhibition struggles often don’t use social signals, which makes it hard for others to connect with them. Social signaling exercises help you understand signals and practice being more open in this way.

Flexible Thought Patterns

Flexible thinking is the ability to contemplate other viewpoints besides your own to open up your understanding of a situation. Thus, having flexible thought patterns is a healthy, positive thinking pattern. In this exercise, individuals practice using flexible thinking to work past the edges of their own understanding.

What Are the Benefits of Radically Open DBT? 

 Radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO-DBT) is an accessible behavioral therapy method with many benefits. During treatment, you’ll learn to let down your guard, open up to others for stronger relationships, and escape your overcontrolling thoughts and behaviors. People who work through DBT therapy are able to feel a stronger sense of freedom, openness, and trust. If you think you are a good fit for RO-DBT, reach out to us at Aliya Health Group. We offer comprehensive mental health services to aid you in improving your quality of life. Change your life today with radically open DBT at one of our facilities!

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